The year started badly – divorce – but picked up with the help of a great
me in Rainbar bar n grill
holiday & some good gigs. It started slowly, with just Bon Jovi &
Thin Lizzy cover bands to keep me alive. Then I finally saw the Backyard Babies, I’d missed them the previous year but I’ll not miss them
on a UK tour again!!! What a great live band, so much energy…
My mate Snowy & I stayed behind & chatted with Danny from the Wildhearts
– he was in the Yo Yo’s at the time – then had a couple of photos taken with the Backyard Babies. I finally saw Terrorvision in April
& was won over by a band I’d always thought average, pity they’ve split up....
ste youngi
Youngi, Paul & I had decided to have a 2 week holiday in LA, so through the internet I noticed that Poison were touring
with CC back in the band. So I timed the holiday to take in the gig in June at LA Amphitheatre, I also noticed that
the Newlydeads were playing at the Ugly Club the night before!!!!
We set off on the 7th June & had a couple of days out at the beach, then a couple of nights in a hostel in Hollywood.
ste paul LA
We visited Universal studies & found the Whiskey, Roxy & Rainbar Bar & Grill which we loved, many a day & night it was to become our favourite bar!!!
June 11th was my birthday so we treated ourselves to a meal in the Rainbow followed by a gig. The Spaceage Playboys were playin the Hustler club – fantastic….
We then got lucky again as we saw Ash at the Roxy on the 14th…. By now we’d found some marvellous clothes shops & a cheap-ish hotel with a swimming pool!!!!
Next up was the Newlydeads, (after a few in the Rainbow of course) which we nearly missed cos we turned up with no ID, but the nice Doormen let us in cos we’d
come from the UK & Youngi was wearing (my) Ramones t-shirt!!!! Brill club – excellent gig.
The following night didn’t start well cos the taxi driver could not find the Amplitheatre & over charged me!!!
Agh well a short but good set from LA Guns with Jizzy Pearl on vocals cheered me up. Great White kept me rockin,
then Ratt blasted out a great set… I’d never seen Poison, so it was great to see them in LA with CC
back in the band playing basically a greatest hits set.
Me & a packed house rocked like it was 89 not 99, then of course I had to get a
taxi to the Rainbow just to finish the night off in style!!!!!
ste in front of retail slut
Once back in the UK I didn’t have to wait long for a gig as Tyla was supporting Clam Abuse. Ashi drove & we got a little bit drunk on the way to Leeds,
Tyla of course was great, Clam Abuse were good! The following week I was sober when we saw them in Mancheser, Tyla was great!!!!
Clam Abuse, erm interesting!!! Unfortunately Liverpool was cancelled, but
Tyla headlined the Alex in Lancaster, & treated us to a full set of goodies…
Buckcherry toured in August & I saw a splendidly enjoyable gig in Manchester.
Before the 3 days Leeds festival I saw Terrorvision play a warm up gig in my home town of Blackburn. Leeds, too much drink, lack of good food,
lack of sleep, cold, but what a great time we had!!!!! Party over here ---- you over there!!!!!
September & my first Rachel Stamp gig at the small but wonderful Witchwood, then we all fell in love with the Donnas!!!!!
Our first time in Decadence – London came after a day at the Dunstable Tattoo festival,
Wordy looked on in disgust as me n Rick got glammed up in the back of a Metro!
Michael Monroe was touring in October, so me n Rick took off to Rock City for the opening night, got there early & got our
photos taken with him as he was unloading his van!!!! Mind blowing gig…. We followed him to Bradford,
which had a poor turnout, but MM was great & came into the crowd during Death Jail & R n R…. We’d arranged to stay at Foggys
in London for MMs Borderline gig, followed by a weekend of rockin, boozin
& erm I’ll not go into any more detailz!!!!!!! The word sleazy is apt!!!!!
And that’s it, O ye I started my classic rock DJing night in the Napier in Blackburn, which is now running every 2 to 3 weeks…..